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mysql-nav-edge: structuresource
mysql-save-flag: mysql-save-flag
runtime-id: uint32
runtime-node-id-1: int32
runtime-node-id-2: int32
temp-next-edge: mysql-nav-edge
nav_edge_id: uint32
nav_graph_id: uint32
nav_node_id_1: uint32
nav_node_id_2: uint32
directionality: nav-directionality
speed_limit: float
density: float
traffic_edge_flag: int32
nav_clock_mask: nav-clock-mask
nav_clock_type: nav-clock-type
width: float
minimap_edge_flag: nav-minimap-edge-flag
exec-sql!(obj: mysql-nav-edge) => symbolsource

Executes the respective SQL operation specified by mysql-save-flag, return value indicates success


mysql-nav-edge-array: inline-array-classsource
type: type
length: int32
allocated-length: int32
_data: uint8
data: mysql-nav-edge


mysql-nav-graph: basicsource
type: type
nav_graph_id: uint32
node-array: mysql-nav-node-array
edge-array: mysql-nav-edge-array
visnode-array: mysql-nav-visnode-array
level-info-array-length: int32
level-info-last-lookup: int32
level-info-array: mysql-nav-graph-level-info
init-from-sql!(obj: mysql-nav-graph, arg0: string, arg1: string) => symbolsource

Query the database and initialize the mysql-nav-graph and all it's related components

exec-sql!: unknown
indexof-nav-node(obj: mysql-nav-graph, node-id: int) => intsource

Iterate through the node-array and return the index for the first mysql-nav-node whom's nav_node_id matches the provided id
returns -1 if none is found

indexof-nav-edge(obj: mysql-nav-graph, edge-id: int) => intsource

Iterate through the edge-array and return the index for the first mysql-nav-edge whom's nav_edge_id matches the provided id
returns -1 if none is found

alloc-new-node!(obj: mysql-nav-graph) => intsource

Allocates a new [[mysql-nav-node]], if node-array's length exceeds 3000 return -1
otherwise, return the new size of the array

alloc-new-edge!(obj: mysql-nav-graph) => intsource

Allocates a new [[mysql-nav-edge]], if edge-array's length exceeds 5000 return -1
otherwise, return the new size of the array

indexof-visnode(obj: mysql-nav-graph, edge-id: int, node-id: int) => intsource

Returns the index in the visnode-array whom's mysql-nav-visnode has the provided runtime-edge-id and runtime-node-id
if none exist, return -1

alloc-new-visnode!(obj: mysql-nav-graph, edge-id: int, node-id: int) => intsource

Potentially allocates a new [[mysql-nav-visnode]]:
- if visnode-array's length exceeds 3000 return -1
- otherwise, if the node already exists, TODO
- if the node does not already exist, create it!

mysql-nav-graph-method-17(obj: mysql-nav-graph) => nonesource
lookup-level-info2(obj: mysql-nav-graph, arg0: mysql-nav-node, arg1: symbol) => mysql-nav-graph-level-infosource

TODO - this was originally called lookup-level-info but it clashes with the function defined in level

mysql-nav-graph-method-19: unknown
mysql-nav-graph-method-20(obj: mysql-nav-graph) => nonesource


mysql-nav-graph-level-info: structuresource
level: symbol
level-id: uint32
node-count: int32
branch-count: int32
to-link-count: int32


mysql-nav-node: structuresource
mysql-save-flag: mysql-save-flag
runtime-id: uint32
temp-edge-list: inline-array
level-node-index: int32
cam-dist: float
visible: symbol
nav_node_id: uint32
nav_graph_id: uint32
position: vector
level_name: symbol
angle: float
radius: float
nav_node_flag: nav-node-flag
nav_mesh_id: uint32
exec-sql!(obj: mysql-nav-node) => symbolsource

Executes the respective SQL operation specified by mysql-save-flag, return value indicates success

temp-edge-size(obj: mysql-nav-node) => intsource

Returns the number of mysql-nav-edge stored in the temp-edge-list


mysql-nav-node-array: inline-array-classsource
type: type
length: int32
allocated-length: int32
_data: uint8
data: mysql-nav-node


mysql-nav-visnode: structuresource
mysql-save-flag: mysql-save-flag
runtime-node-id: int32
runtime-edge-id: int32
nav_visnode_id: uint32
nav_graph_id: uint32
nav_node_id: uint32
nav_edge_id: uint32
exec-sql!(obj: mysql-nav-visnode) => symbolsource

Executes the respective SQL operation specified by mysql-save-flag, return value indicates success


mysql-nav-visnode-array: inline-array-classsource
type: type
length: int32
allocated-length: int32
_data: uint8
data: mysql-nav-visnode


nav-graph-command: structuresource
com-type: uint32
id: int32
index: int32
move-vec: vector
nav-graph-command-array: inline-array-classsource
type: type
length: int32
allocated-length: int32
_data: uint8
data: nav-graph-command
nav-graph-editor: processsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
self-override: nav-graph-editor
nav-graph: mysql-nav-graph
mode: symbol
command-id: int32
max-command: int32
selected-index: int32
selected-dist: float
selected-node-edge?: symbol
closest-node: int32
dist-closest-node: float
closest-edge: int32
dist-closest-edge: float
mouse-pos: vector
mouse-hit: vector
mouse-hit-pick: vector
mouse-normal: vector
mouse-spos-hold: vector
edge-src: int32
edge-dst: int32
edge-visibility: int32
vehicle-edit-mode: symbol
hover-edit-mode: symbol
clipping-dist: float
plane-height: float
plane-height-hold: float
default-node: mysql-nav-node
default-edge: mysql-nav-edge
command-array: nav-graph-command-array
move-node: unknown
move-plane: unknown
create: unknown
edit-edge: unknown
create-edge: unknown
adjust-plane: unknown
adjust-it: unknown
adjust-minimap: unknown
adjust-node-angle: unknown
adjust-node-radius: unknown
adjust-edge-visibility: unknown
adjust-edge-width: unknown
adjust-edge-density: unknown
draw-closest-minimap: unknown
nav-graph-editor-method-28: unknown
nav-graph-editor-method-29: unknown
nav-graph-editor-method-30: unknown
nav-graph-editor-method-31: unknown
nav-graph-editor-method-32: unknown
nav-graph-editor-method-33: unknown
nav-graph-editor-method-34: unknown
nav-graph-editor-method-35: unknown
nav-graph-editor-method-36: unknown
nav-graph-editor-method-37: unknown
nav-graph-editor-method-38: unknown
nav-graph-editor-method-39: unknown
nav-graph-editor-method-40: unknown
nav-graph-editor-method-41: unknown
nav-graph-editor-method-42: unknown
nav-graph-editor-method-43: unknown
nav-graph-editor-method-44: unknown
nav-graph-editor-method-45: unknown
nav-graph-editor-method-46: unknown
nav-graph-editor-method-47: unknown
nav-graph-editor-method-48: unknown
nav-graph-editor-method-49: unknown
nav-graph-editor-method-50: unknown
nav-graph-editor-method-51: unknown
nav-graph-editor-method-52: unknown
nav-graph-editor-method-53: unknown
nav-graph-editor-method-54: unknown
nav-graph-editor-method-55: unknown
nav-graph-editor-method-56: unknown
nav-graph-editor-method-57: unknown
nav-graph-editor-method-58: unknown
nav-graph-editor-method-59: unknown
nav-graph-editor-method-60: unknown
nav-graph-editor-method-61: unknown
nav-graph-editor-method-62: unknown
nav-graph-editor-method-63: unknown



get-nav-graph-editor() => nav-graph-editorsource